Archive for the ‘Films’ Category

Dabangg 2: Review

Friday, December 21st, 2012

Last year I travelled to Almaty in Kazhakistan, sildenafil recipe one of those break-away nations when USSR crumbled. It’s a quaint place, information pills and I quite liked it; the flight to and fro (that too from Delhi) was anything but. While going they tortured us by being extremely stingy in serving water. On return, they upped the ante. We reached around midnight, exhausted, and sanguinely looking forward to crash into the bed before catching an early morning flight to Mumbai. In between, I had planned to slip away and visit parents; after all, it would be callous and criminal to be in Delhi and not visit them.



Thursday, July 15th, 2010

 In the past month or two, physician more about cutting through hectic work schedules, store maneovering hefty month-end targets and sinking into an ennui (impossible to shrug off), refractionist I carved out time for two main activities- one, search and buy a good music system (hi-end, assembled and absolutely a delight) and two, catch up on reading. Thankfully, April served a plethora of holidays to enjoy both. In any case, the sultry and humid weather that swamped Bombay disallowed any activity beyond home. And both IPL & the current on-going tussle between multi-plex owners & producers ensured no release worth watching hit the theaters.

I saw two flicks I had missed earlier – on DVD. 13B was engrossing and entertaining. Though not overtly scary, it carried enough drama to hold viewer’s interest;  however, the director failed minutes before the climax. Jai Veeru was absolutely disgusting – the premise was so kiddish, I am sure it couldn’t have even looked good on paper. Why did they even waste time & money filming it?

Coming to books, I finished Jeffery Archer’s latest release – Paths of Glory. It’s a ficitonalized account of mountaineer George Mallory, who may or may not be the first person to set foot on Mt. Everest. Archer narrates the story in his inimitable fashion, peppering it with interesting anecdotes, starting it from the beginning, in a saga-fashion, just like many of his previous works.

Since reaching Mt. Everest would inevitably involve a bit of India, there is a tiny section set in Bombay (so that’s why he was here last year, to research and get a feel?). However, I found that sliver entirely uninteresting and completely uninspiring, and certainly a huge disappointment. I expected better from Archer, even if the story is set in 1920’s. Rather, I found Vikram Bhatt’s research (or imagination) of that era much more vivid & compelling in 1920 (even though it is downright gross to compare two different media – films & books – but then, a book allows for more in-depth detailing, which makes Archer’s ommision even futher glaring!)

Overall, the novel is a good light read, not comparable to his legendary works, a notch lower than his previous Prisoner of Birth (of which, I have his duly signed copy), but certainly much above the other mass I read.

The biggest letdown was John Grisham’s The Associate. With an awesome build-up, and a terrific story-line (about a young associate haunted by his seemingly reckless past), the novel could have been sensational. Sadly, its climax simply shatters all the good work of previous pages. In fact, there is no climax, no end at all – so much so, I had to check & recheck whether the copy I bought had the last few pages missing! Either Grisham was in a hurry to publish it (which seems unlikely) or he has a sequel in mind (which could be a possibility). Either ways, I expected better.

Other than these two, I read several other relatively unknown authors (though all the cover jackets proclaimed them #1 New York Times Best Sellers!). A colleague (who knows my penchant for reading) keeps regularly passing me these books. They are an excellent read to pass a Saturday evening & whole Sunday. Some are genuinely gripping till the time they last, but soon fade off. The proximity of these reads ensure a gala confusion- characters of one have seagued into another. But one thing, most are set in American towns (often smaller ones from where the authors originate), and hence give an absorbing & hitherto unknown insight. As they last, I like to be part of these people, using my imagination where the author has not filled in, and enjoy them like long-lost friends dropping in home. These novels usually don’t have complex tales, and generally carry happy endings. And oh yes, the amount of coffee at work (almost always bad at work place) and the general sense of ‘work’ there keeps me guessing, is working in America really that ‘glamorous’? Some, looked like a TV mini-series rather than a full-blown movie. So, that’s where the difference lies between the good and the great!

My latest finish in this lot are , Mary Higgins Clark’s The Second Time Around and Nora Roberts’ Birthright. Clark’s novel is better of the two. Both carry some suspense. Both have strong women protagonists. And both should read Agatha Christie to realize that ‘the murderer’ should be a suspect from a pool of people who are properly introduced and given enough word space, so that needle of suspicion can keep spinning. Roberts fails miserably here. The wrong-doer is from a bunch of side-characters, whom I had nearly skimmed over. She could have given more time there to the side-characters so that the reader could have kept guessing which one is ‘the one’- instead she wastes valuable pages on what essentially is a Mills-and-Boons type of romance, with elongated (and perfect) love making (after a while it became so irritating that I simply skipped pages anytime the hero and heroine were alone), ending in soft sighs, tears flowing down and breaths going choppy.

There were more, but they have slipped my memory for now. Will try to write on them later.


In the past month or two, ophthalmologist cutting through hectic work schedules, visit maneuvering hefty month-end targets and sinking into an ennui (impossible to shrug off), clinic I carved out time for two main activities- one, search and buy a good music system (hi-end, assembled and absolutely a delight) and two, catch up on reading. Thankfully, April served a plethora of holidays to enjoy both. In any case, the sultry and humid weather that swamped Bombay disallowed any activity beyond home. And both IPL & the current on-going tussle between multi-plex owners & producers ensured no release worth watching hit the theaters.

I saw two flicks I had missed earlier – on DVD. 13B was engrossing and entertaining. Though not overtly scary, it carried enough drama to hold viewer’s interest; however, the director failed minutes before the climax. Jai Veeru was absolutely disgusting – the premise was so kiddish, I am sure it couldn’t have even looked good on paper. Why did they even waste time & money filming it?

Coming to books, I finished Jeffery Archer‘s latest release – Paths of Glory. It’s a fictionalized account of mountaineer George Mallory, who may or may not be the first person to set foot on Mt. Everest. Archer narrates the story in his inimitable fashion, peppering it with interesting anecdotes, starting it from the beginning, in a saga-fashion, just like many of his previous works.



Thursday, November 5th, 2009

Wishing all readers a Very Happy & Prosperous Diwali. As the Bisleri advt went…please play safe (and I mean in all respects).

With the sheer number of restaurants that Bombay has, buy one can devote an entire blog. If I go by the count, order it seems people in Bombay hardly cook at home. Comparatively, Delhi has fewer joints. But quantity does not equate quality. So the law of averages catches up here too.

Here I present a small list of restaurants I have enjoyed visiting (and re-visiting) over the past two years:


Books Galore!

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

Bombay has enveloped itself into so many myths that it took me a year to finally break them free. Often I would reprimand myself for not believing them. These myths & tales are not written anywhere, web implant they are perpetrated and spread by people living here, or those who would have visited the city sometime in its past.

Today, these are my observations:


The Great Bollywood Poll- First Half 2007

Thursday, May 31st, 2007

Blogging is no longer ‘just an online diary’ experience. Today it has transformed into a mind-boggling mini-industry with blogs and posts devoted to help you popularize your site, pregnancy and the best part – gather a huge traffic and on the side earn some money (well, make that lot’s of money, sample – Steve Pavlina’s site on Personal Development – this post here will set you reeling for sure!) There are more, but I will reserve that for a later post. Frankly, after reading all that the web has to offer on blogs/blogging I feel insecurely a novice, and the past three years look wasted, especially since I spent two precious years on the horrendously primitive Rediffblogs service. Even though I say it, I feel some of my finest writings came from that period, and though now I have transferred a vast majority of those posts to this site, I hope new readers will also check them out from the archives!

From the multiple ways of gaining readership, one such means is through Technorati – a social networking site, and almost considered the Mecca for Bloggers! Technorati is a blog search engine, content aggregator, social website and ranking system which attracts a large number of bloggers, and well, let’s be honest – everyone craves for additional readership! Technorati ranking is almost a social prestige, and it isn’t really that difficult to climb in its rating. In the past few weeks, since I started to observe it (though I had become a member in 2005!) I have seen my own rank climb from an obscure 1,00,000 plus to a more respectable 62,826 60922 53,317 50,054 46786 40,090(as on date); considering that there would be at least 71 million blogs out there, it isn’t all that bad!


Two Much

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

After another satisfying trip to Banchha Ghar my colleague and I decided it was a bit too early to call it a night. The casinos were an option, diagnosis generic but having tried out most of them, information pills I was not keen. Fleetingly, I mentioned a restaurant that had been in my eyes for long; however, I had been wary of going there alone. It had some of the most corny music playing always, and I had an inclination from the dimly lit sign-board what to expect. Catching at the slightest nod from the colleague, G, I pulled him towards the Belly Dance Bar and Restaurant, on the main Darbar Marg.

Even before we could enter the slim entrance, shady and dirty, with the walls and staircase with myriad graffiti, G remarked, “Man, this seems sleazy!”


Recycled Titles

Thursday, January 25th, 2007

This place seriously needs an update!


This place seriously needs an update!



Jaane Hoga Kya – Now I wasnt expecting anything great from this long-in-the-making-released-hurriedly film. So, page what turned out was a pleasant surprise. And not because of its content. But for the inadvertant humor that the film provides. Ok, there so what’s it about? Cloning! Don’t choke on that coke, it is actually a film on human cloning. And how the directors (Glenn-Ankush) portray it is the best comedy released this year. As per this film, to make a clone there has to be two plastic covered ‘capsules’, connected to a computer. So, ‘data’ will move from one capsule to another, as heat rises, and out of steam a new human will be formed! Wow! That simple!


Movies That No One Watched – Or Did Someone?

Thursday, December 28th, 2006

This place seriously needs an update!


This place seriously needs an update!



Jaane Hoga Kya – Now I wasnt expecting anything great from this long-in-the-making-released-hurriedly film. So, page what turned out was a pleasant surprise. And not because of its content. But for the inadvertant humor that the film provides. Ok, there so what’s it about? Cloning! Don’t choke on that coke, it is actually a film on human cloning. And how the directors (Glenn-Ankush) portray it is the best comedy released this year. As per this film, to make a clone there has to be two plastic covered ‘capsules’, connected to a computer. So, ‘data’ will move from one capsule to another, as heat rises, and out of steam a new human will be formed! Wow! That simple!


Movies I Didn’t Enjoy This Year – My Personal ‘Hall Of Shame’

Wednesday, December 27th, 2006

This place seriously needs an update!


This place seriously needs an update!



Jaane Hoga Kya – Now I wasnt expecting anything great from this long-in-the-making-released-hurriedly film. So, page what turned out was a pleasant surprise. And not because of its content. But for the inadvertant humor that the film provides. Ok, there so what’s it about? Cloning! Don’t choke on that coke, it is actually a film on human cloning. And how the directors (Glenn-Ankush) portray it is the best comedy released this year. As per this film, to make a clone there has to be two plastic covered ‘capsules’, connected to a computer. So, ‘data’ will move from one capsule to another, as heat rises, and out of steam a new human will be formed! Wow! That simple!


Movies I Enjoyed in 2006

Sunday, December 17th, 2006

This place seriously needs an update!


This place seriously needs an update!



Jaane Hoga Kya – Now I wasnt expecting anything great from this long-in-the-making-released-hurriedly film. So, page what turned out was a pleasant surprise. And not because of its content. But for the inadvertant humor that the film provides. Ok, there so what’s it about? Cloning! Don’t choke on that coke, it is actually a film on human cloning. And how the directors (Glenn-Ankush) portray it is the best comedy released this year. As per this film, to make a clone there has to be two plastic covered ‘capsules’, connected to a computer. So, ‘data’ will move from one capsule to another, as heat rises, and out of steam a new human will be formed! Wow! That simple!


Hrishikesh Mukherjee : A Tribute

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

The following are some never-seen and never-thought-of pictures that will make your eyeballs pop out. Sensationalism finds a new height. Whether these pics are real or morphed or not, herbal one cannot tell. But as of now they present the zenith of unimaginable intent.


Shocking Pictures

Tuesday, June 13th, 2006

The following are some never-seen and never-thought-of pictures that will make your eyeballs pop out. Sensationalism finds a new height. Whether these pics are real or morphed or not, herbal one cannot tell. But as of now they present the zenith of unimaginable intent.


Quiz – Just For Fun – Answers

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
Music Review

It’s after listening to the film’s music I realised how much I missed Jatin-Lalit’s music. Sadly, look
this will be their swan song as a team, with both partners splitting up officially – quite a first in music industry; even though Shankar and Jaikishan were composing and interacting with producers separately some five-six years prior to Jaikishan’s untimely death, still they held to “S-J brand” very closely, so much so that Shankar did not allow the hyphen to go even when he was left alone by destiny’s chilling hand!

In mid-nineties JL were there right at the top – with two back-to-back musical bumper hits (DDLJ and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai) and several other hits (Pyar To Hona Hi Tha, Jab Pyar Kisise Hota Hai etc), they were sitting primly at the peak – till differences arose. Their last notable release was Hum Tum, from the same team as Fanaa.

Fanaa is a good farewell gift from the duo.

The most interesting point is to see Sunidhi Chauhan shedding off her ‘item girl’ image, an avatar she


Quiz – Just For Fun

Sunday, June 4th, 2006

A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
Music Review

It’s after listening to the film’s music I realised how much I missed Jatin-Lalit’s music. Sadly, look
this will be their swan song as a team, with both partners splitting up officially – quite a first in music industry; even though Shankar and Jaikishan were composing and interacting with producers separately some five-six years prior to Jaikishan’s untimely death, still they held to “S-J brand” very closely, so much so that Shankar did not allow the hyphen to go even when he was left alone by destiny’s chilling hand!

In mid-nineties JL were there right at the top – with two back-to-back musical bumper hits (DDLJ and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai) and several other hits (Pyar To Hona Hi Tha, Jab Pyar Kisise Hota Hai etc), they were sitting primly at the peak – till differences arose. Their last notable release was Hum Tum, from the same team as Fanaa.

Fanaa is a good farewell gift from the duo.

The most interesting point is to see Sunidhi Chauhan shedding off her ‘item girl’ image, an avatar she



Wednesday, May 24th, 2006

A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
Music Review

It’s after listening to the film’s music I realised how much I missed Jatin-Lalit’s music. Sadly, look
this will be their swan song as a team, with both partners splitting up officially – quite a first in music industry; even though Shankar and Jaikishan were composing and interacting with producers separately some five-six years prior to Jaikishan’s untimely death, still they held to “S-J brand” very closely, so much so that Shankar did not allow the hyphen to go even when he was left alone by destiny’s chilling hand!

In mid-nineties JL were there right at the top – with two back-to-back musical bumper hits (DDLJ and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai) and several other hits (Pyar To Hona Hi Tha, Jab Pyar Kisise Hota Hai etc), they were sitting primly at the peak – till differences arose. Their last notable release was Hum Tum, from the same team as Fanaa.

Fanaa is a good farewell gift from the duo.

The most interesting point is to see Sunidhi Chauhan shedding off her ‘item girl’ image, an avatar she


Da Vince Code Imbroglio

Tuesday, May 16th, 2006

A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
Music Review

It’s after listening to the film’s music I realised how much I missed Jatin-Lalit’s music. Sadly, look
this will be their swan song as a team, with both partners splitting up officially – quite a first in music industry; even though Shankar and Jaikishan were composing and interacting with producers separately some five-six years prior to Jaikishan’s untimely death, still they held to “S-J brand” very closely, so much so that Shankar did not allow the hyphen to go even when he was left alone by destiny’s chilling hand!

In mid-nineties JL were there right at the top – with two back-to-back musical bumper hits (DDLJ and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai) and several other hits (Pyar To Hona Hi Tha, Jab Pyar Kisise Hota Hai etc), they were sitting primly at the peak – till differences arose. Their last notable release was Hum Tum, from the same team as Fanaa.

Fanaa is a good farewell gift from the duo.

The most interesting point is to see Sunidhi Chauhan shedding off her ‘item girl’ image, an avatar she


Bollywood Revisit – “The Hero”

Saturday, May 13th, 2006

A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
A writer in hibernation, online I can wake up any day to claim my rightful place in the written word’s cosmos. Till then, abortion I am content with this blog – which is, as the name suggests, a random expressions of what crosses my mind. I call this blog a one-stop shop for entertainment reading in its various dimensions, providing a little relief from your life’s daily rigmarole. The blog has stories, view points, opinions, travel related entries, general posts, reviews and of course, lots on Bollywood music and Lata Mangeshkar (a voice I am passionate about)!


I hope your experience at RE is fruitful. To access my previous posts, a good place to start is to visit the Comprehensive Archives Page which gives you the list of posts month-wise as well as the break up category-wise. There is a ‘search form’ available to enable you find the exact post you are looking for.
The comments on the posts are enabled, and it will give me a pleasure to know your views.


You can contact Random Expressions by using the contact form here


You can join the announcement list (as given on the right hand side bar). Rest assured your email will remain confidential and will not be used other than sending out announcements from time to time. I hate spam more than any one could (esp. since I struggle quite a lot with it, both on this site and on my mails)


If you find the site useful and entertaining, please do make a nominal donation to help up-keep the site in its full beauty and form. You can help by clicking here.


Comments are unmoderated and hence open to everyone. I take no risk or responsibility for them. 

If you find some comment offensive or in bad taste then you may write to me. I will try to remove the same if I have time or feel they are really in bad taste. There is no guarantee for this. 

So sit back, relax and enjoy! Happy Reading!

Deepak Jeswal
Music Review

It’s after listening to the film’s music I realised how much I missed Jatin-Lalit’s music. Sadly, look
this will be their swan song as a team, with both partners splitting up officially – quite a first in music industry; even though Shankar and Jaikishan were composing and interacting with producers separately some five-six years prior to Jaikishan’s untimely death, still they held to “S-J brand” very closely, so much so that Shankar did not allow the hyphen to go even when he was left alone by destiny’s chilling hand!

In mid-nineties JL were there right at the top – with two back-to-back musical bumper hits (DDLJ and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai) and several other hits (Pyar To Hona Hi Tha, Jab Pyar Kisise Hota Hai etc), they were sitting primly at the peak – till differences arose. Their last notable release was Hum Tum, from the same team as Fanaa.

Fanaa is a good farewell gift from the duo.

The most interesting point is to see Sunidhi Chauhan shedding off her ‘item girl’ image, an avatar she


Bollywood Fathers

Sunday, June 20th, 2004

After another satisfying trip to Banchha Ghar my colleague and I decided it was a bit too early to call it a night. The casinos were an option, diagnosis generic but having tried out most of them, information pills I was not keen. Fleetingly, I mentioned a restaurant that had been in my eyes for long; however, I had been wary of going there alone. It had some of the most corny music playing always, and I had an inclination from the dimly lit sign-board what to expect. Catching at the slightest nod from the colleague, G, I pulled him towards the Belly Dance Bar and Restaurant, on the main Darbar Marg.

Even before we could enter the slim entrance, shady and dirty, with the walls and staircase with myriad graffiti, G remarked, “Man, this seems sleazy!”


Bollywood And Cops

Monday, May 31st, 2004

After another satisfying trip to Banchha Ghar my colleague and I decided it was a bit too early to call it a night. The casinos were an option, diagnosis generic but having tried out most of them, information pills I was not keen. Fleetingly, I mentioned a restaurant that had been in my eyes for long; however, I had been wary of going there alone. It had some of the most corny music playing always, and I had an inclination from the dimly lit sign-board what to expect. Catching at the slightest nod from the colleague, G, I pulled him towards the Belly Dance Bar and Restaurant, on the main Darbar Marg.

Even before we could enter the slim entrance, shady and dirty, with the walls and staircase with myriad graffiti, G remarked, “Man, this seems sleazy!”


Bollywood and Adultery

Thursday, April 22nd, 2004

After another satisfying trip to Banchha Ghar my colleague and I decided it was a bit too early to call it a night. The casinos were an option, diagnosis generic but having tried out most of them, information pills I was not keen. Fleetingly, I mentioned a restaurant that had been in my eyes for long; however, I had been wary of going there alone. It had some of the most corny music playing always, and I had an inclination from the dimly lit sign-board what to expect. Catching at the slightest nod from the colleague, G, I pulled him towards the Belly Dance Bar and Restaurant, on the main Darbar Marg.

Even before we could enter the slim entrance, shady and dirty, with the walls and staircase with myriad graffiti, G remarked, “Man, this seems sleazy!”
